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Writer's picture: Destiny S. BrownDestiny S. Brown

Updated: May 7, 2020

Ahhh! We meet again!

How’ve y’all been? How’s life treating you, sis?

I’m coming to you this week with a little taste of what God’s been speaking to me lately in the midst of the chaos and worries. His question to me has simply been, “do you trust me?”

TRUST: belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

We, for sure myself, tend to trust God with what we want or the “easy” areas in life. But why can’t we trust Him with everything, in every area of life? Why is it that we try to do things on our own?

Proverbs 3:5 (NLT) says to trust in the Lord with ALL your heart; DO NOT depend on your own understanding.

Let’s be real, our own understanding can be deceiving/ not from God. When we attempt to make things happen on our own or lean on our own understanding, that’s letting God know we don’t need or trust Him.

As a living witness (as you will see in writings to come), the moment we place our hand in God’s business, like a kid reaching for something out of reach, we tend to make a mess and things tend to fall out of order. Then, our parents are left to clean up, rearrange and even heal wounds.

Even if you, like that kid, have made a mess and knocked things over; your loving Father is there to pick you up, place things in order and heal you.

Take a moment to reevaluate all areas of your life. Drop to your knees, turn to Him & place everything in His hands. TRUST in Him. Not yourself. Not your finances. Not your job. Not your addiction. Not your relationship or marriage. Not your doctor. Not your parents or children, but God.

He placed you here on this journey! He has the map, He’s your GPS. Let us not have more trust in our own “GPS” (our understanding) rather than the one who’s placed/ knows the destination before us. Trust in God & God alone, my love.

(feel free to comment below, post in the group on Facebook, dm or email me)

And remember, grace yourself, sis.

p.s this is grace

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Destiny Brown
Destiny Brown
May 29, 2019

Yes ma'am! Amen to that! Thanks so much!! I’m glad that this is helpful!!


This is Grace I love your blog.. I find it to be very helpful with my day to day issues. One thing to remember is to put God first and everything else will fall into place❤❣


Love you too. Continue to let God use you


Destiny Brown
Destiny Brown
May 26, 2019

Amen to that! Looking or believing to anyone but God is idolatry! Love it! We are all human! We have to remember to trust God and grace man. I’m glad God was able to speak to you, sis! Love you!


Wow. This is such a timely message. I found myself growing frustrated with my husband this morning because I was disappointed by something he did but I have to recognize he’s still human just like me and it’s God who promises to supply all my needs not hubby. Believing or looking to anyone but God is idolatry!

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