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Updated: Jul 6, 2020


24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.

AH! It’s great to finally meet y'all!

My name is Destiny Brown, your founder and writer for This Is Grace.

(You can find a little more about me in the 'About' section.)

I pray that through this community, someone is able to receive not only a blessing or encouragement but healing. Before we dive off into the deep, I’d like to let you know the why behind This Is Grace.

This Is Grace came to me a year ago (2018) while in worship at a church I was visiting. I didn’t expect it to be a blog, at all.

For years, I’d condemned myself for many things God had not only forgiven me for but graced me for. I've encountered a pregnancy, homelessness, anxiety, depression, & more.

For those who may not know, grace is the free, underserved & unearned favor of God.

What?! Something we don't deserve. Something we cannot earn. FREE favor!

I wanted This Is Grace to be the bridge, voice and love for those that have been lost, currently lost or feel as though they no longer serve purpose--due to their past or current circumstances.

I'm here to let you know that if God’s graced, restored, redeemed & freed me -- He can do the same for you, sis.

He knows you. You were created by God. You are not what you’ve been through.

This Is Grace is here to love ALL, REGARDLESS, just as Christ has loved and accepted us. We are here to build up His people, serve and walk in our God given purpose.

Here, we can learn and grow together.

I hope y'all enjoy all that’s to come on this journey.

At your worst, you are loved.

Remember, grace yourself, sis.

p.s this is grace


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